Lake, trees and mountain in Alberta, Canada Lake, trees and mountain in Alberta, Canada


The World Transformation Movement’s global network of WTM Centres promote the life-changing and world-transforming explanation of the human condition put forward by Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith — see

This WTM Edmonton Centre was established by Joseph Wood to support and help disseminate this critically important understanding of human behaviour to the world.

“Once we recognise the truth of Jeremy Griffith’s work we can overcome our psychosis and upset and start living in harmony once more.”

Joseph Wood

Read the transcript

Joseph Wood spent his childhood in London before immigrating with his family to Canada. He has a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta, was a teacher and principal for over 30 years, and is now a practising NLP Programmer and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.

“The time is past for help which is only a Band-Aid. It is time for radical thinking and for a solution on the grand scale.”

Sir James Darling, Australia’s greatest-ever educator

Read how Jeremy Griffith’s psychologically rehabilitating explanation of the human condition finally enables us to recognise the true integrative meaning of life and the laws of physics that govern it

Integrative arrow

“I can see a direction and a line of progress for life, a line and a direction which are in fact so well marked that I am convinced their reality will be universally admitted by the science of tomorrow.”

Scientist-philosopher Teilhard de Chardin (The Phenomenon of Man)

FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition

Book cover of FREEDOM: The End of the Human Condition by Jeremy Griffith - World Transformation Movement

FREEDOM is the definitive presentation of the biological explanation of the human condition needed for the complete understanding of human behaviour and the ultimate amelioration of all the underlying psychosis in human life.


“I have no doubt FREEDOM provides the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race. This is the book we have been waiting for, it is the book that saves the world.”

Professor Harry Prosen, former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association

“Solving the ‘human condition’ has the power to end all of the suffering because it deals with the fundamental insecurity that drives all of human psychosis. FREEDOM has to be the most important book ever written.”

Tim Macartney-Snape, AM OAM, Australian biologist & mountaineer

“FREEDOM resurrects the deep all-important questions of life — questions we all once asked when we were children — and for the first time in millions of years, ANSWERS THEM!”

Dr Karen Riley University professor & clinical pharmacist, and WTM Toronto founder

“We’ve never before had the answers to the core questions of who are we as a species? What are our origins? What’s the meaning of life? But now we do.”

Lucas Machlein, WTM Nice founder

“…wholeness for humans depends on the ability to own their own shadow”

Carl Jung, psychoanalyst

MUST, MUST WATCH: Craig Conway, the acclaimed British actor, writer, producer and broadcaster — and the founder of WTM North East England Centre — has brought all his skills to bear to produce the ideal introduction to Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition in this absolutely astonishing, world-changing and world-saving interview with Jeremy. It’s called ‘THE’ Interview because in it Jeremy gives such a concise and accessible summary of his world-saving explanation of the human condition that it’s nothing less than the most important interview of all time!

WTM Global Network

Alongside the original WTM Centre in Sydney, Australia, World Transformation Movement Centres are being established around the world to help bring to everyone the now desperately needed all-relieving and all-explaining biological understanding of the underlying issue in all of human life of our troubled human condition.

Visit the WTM’s Community page to learn more about the formation of these Centres. You can access the following examples of WTM Centre websites by clicking on their images below.

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Subscribe to our YouTube channel and receive two or more videos each week. These videos will include enthralling, bite-sized samples of the explanation of the human condition, and also descriptions and examples of the transformation that is now possible for all our lives.

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